Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011


1.     This film is good.
2.    These are my friends next to me.
3.    That is his car over there.
4.    Those apples are rotten
  1. How much sugar is left in the jar?
6.    There were not many people at the concert.
  1. Every soldier saluted as the President arrived.
8.    The President gave each soldier a medal.
9.    I've got a little money
10.I've got a few friends
11.   I must go. I have some homework to do.
12.  I don’t have any problems with that.
13.  Lots of time is needed to learn a language
14.  A lot of my friends live abroad
15.  My wife is not a volleyball player, and I am not either.
16.  My wife is not a volleyball player, and neither am i.
17.  children were born in Italy.


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